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Bank Employee

Use these questions to find high-potential candidates for banking positions. We’ve customized each question for varying seniority levels, so you can ask the right questions no matter what your team needs.

Bank employee qualifications to look for

Bank employees are hands-on with customers, and your future high-performers need financial literacy and customer service skills. They should also have a wealth of banking product knowledge and cash-handling experience.

Keep an eye out for candidates who: 

  • Are organized and detail-oriented
  • Are educated in Banking, Accounting or a similar field
  • Stay up-to-date on the latest industry developments
  • Can explain financial matters in clear terms

Experience isn’t your best indicator for an entry-level bank teller. These pros should show interest in the banking industry and have good communication skills. 

For senior-level positions, source your next team-player who demonstrates a deep understanding of investments and bank procedures. They should also be able to navigate customers’ banking needs.

Top tip: Hire candidates willing to grow by making sure their personal career goals align with your company's mission.

Entry-level position bank employee questions 

  • What are the pros and cons of different valuation methods?
  • What’s the difference between a Current Account Deficit and the Fiscal Deficit?
  • Explain the differences between savings and checking accounts.
  • What are some of the risks involved in buying or selling a company? How would you recommend mitigating them? 
  • What is a Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC)?
  • Walk me through the documents you provide for opening a bank account.
  • A customer is upset. How do you handle the situation?
  • You’ve got a tough customer issue and the line is backed up. What do you do? 
  • Why do you want to join our team? 

Senior-level position bank employee interview questions 

  • Will interest rates change over the next six months? How will this affect our business? 
  • How do you decide to approve or reject a loan request?
  • What’s a smart sector to invest in right now? Why?
  • A company is behind on its loan payments. What are the steps you take to resolve the issue? 
  • What banking software systems have you used? How comfortable are you with them?
  • How did you respond to an ethical dilemma at work? 
  • What is your biggest professional success so far? What would you like to achieve?
  • Tell me about a time when you made a mistake at work.  How did you handle it?

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