Guesswork and Grunt Work, Begone!
Breezy's Candidate Match Score is our latest modern applicant tracking system feature designed to help hiring teams prioritize who to move forward, so they can reduce the time to contact their best fits, and cut down on arbitrary bias as candidates enter the pipeline.

You’ve told us that your hiring process just can’t thrive without Breezy’s hefty candidate screening capabilities – from video answers to custom questionnaires that can automatically move candidates into new stages. But when it came to figuring out which applicants to move into screening, you were overwhelmed with ostensibly great candidate options – with no unbiased, structured, or efficient way to prioritize them. Sure, you managed, and you still made great hires, but it’s one of the most time-consuming stages of your hiring process and frankly … It felt a little manual. A little old-school.
Very un-Breezy.
But now, with Candidate Match Score, hiring teams automatically see a clearly prioritized and bias-free list of best-fit candidates for their open roles.
Why We Built Candidate Match Score
When it comes to our product roadmap, feedback from our users is our north star. We’ve heard, time and again, inefficiency in prioritizing new applications is a pain point for ATS users across all platforms.
It was time to put our robots to work on this.
Candidate Match Score moves Breezy users leaps and bounds ahead of their competition for candidates by taking the load of initial applicant review off the shoulders of the hiring team, and giving them a head start on contacting their best candidates.
We also know one of the main reasons our users love Breezy is how intuitive, customizable and human it is. Of course AI can assist the hiring process in a thousand ways (“Robot, find me a human!”), but, to us, it’s important to keep not only the simplicity of use but also the uniqueness of each employer — even each role, each applicant — front and center, while keeping bias at bay.
Or, as our Head of Product, Barry Williams put it: “Our goal is to make hiring the best candidates faster a breeze. Candidate Match Score improves both speed to hire and quality of hire, effortlessly.”
That’s why we built Candidate Match Score to be sophisticated in function, but delightful and simple in form.
Here’s How Candidate Match Score Works
With the Candidate Match Score add-on enabled on a job, all you have to do is adjust the levers our robots will use for scoring applicants as soon as they apply.
These levers allow you to prioritize what’s most relevant in an applicant’s qualifications before you even look at anyone’s resume. For example, will previous management experience in a similar role help the candidate succeed on hire? Drag those two levers up! Is extensive industry knowledge going to make for an extensively awesome employee? Lean hard on that Industries lever.
Better yet, take advantage of understanding what you don’t need in these levers, as well. For example, say you’ve got an open leadership role, and you’re looking for someone with enough experience to get the job done, but not so much that they blow your budget. Drag the Executive lever all the way to the left and the Skills to the right, et voila! Your top-prioritized applicants will be the best suited for both the job and the budget.
Did we mention that all happens in the same user-friendly, Best-ROI-rated Breezy platform your team already loves?
No guesswork, no grunt work … just great hires.
Our hope is that Candidate Match Score frees up the hours of manual time hiring teams spend reviewing resumes to make room for more hiring productivity and better hires (or more time at the beach this summer and more drinks with frilly umbrellas - we won’t judge).
Beyond that, we also know Candidate Match Score will instantly surface candidates that could be the best fit for open roles based on the employer’s needs – regardless of the candidate’s race, gender, sexual orientation, age or other diverse characteristics.
When employers have this much control over unbiased inputs and this much ease of use, they can hire not only with greater efficiency, but also with greater confidence.
Candidate Match Score
Enhance any plan with our AI-powered Candidate Match Score to automatically see a clearly prioritized and bias-free list of best-fit candidates for your open roles.