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Use these questions to pinpoint where you can improve your company culture and end your employees time working with you on a high note.

Why exit interviews are a must

Exit interviews help end your relationship on a high note and can also help you: 

  • Find out what employees really think: Exit interviews are a great chance for your employee to give honest feedback about your company culture and whether they felt valued and respected by peers and managers. You can also find out what training and development opportunities can help improve retention.
  • Improve your systems: Discover ways to boost the way you run your company and manage employee relations. 
  • Gather data: If an employee leaves due to a better offer, this is your opportunity to find out what’s out there and where your company stands compared to your competitors. 
  • Find out what you can do better: Ask your employee what you could have done to make them stay. 
  • Boost your brand: Show you care about current and former employees’ opinions.

Exit interview questions

  • Describe your general feelings about working here. If possible, please tell us why you are leaving.
  • What was your favorite thing about working here?
  • If you could change three things about your time with us, what would they be?
  • How would you describe your relationship with your supervisor and coworkers?
  • How well was your work recognized and appreciated?
  • Were you given the right amount of training and assistance?
  • Are there things you wish you had known at the hiring process?
  • How did your work and personal goals match up?
  • What would make this company an awesome place to work?
  • What tools, resources or training would have helped you perform better?
  • Would you recommend our company? Why?

How to ace your exit interviews

  • Get HR involved: Employees might feel uncomfortable talking to their former manager so ask someone from your HR team to step in.
  • Be prepared: Plan your questions well to make sure you’re both comfortable, but make sure the conversation is open and doesn’t feel scripted.
  • Act: Use the feedback to improve company procedures and help retain employees.
  • End on a high: Finish by thanking them for their work and wishing them good luck in the future.

How to ace challenging exit interviews

  • Employees who hold back: It’s not easy to say what you really think, especially if your employee plans to stay in touch. Ask questions in a positive way by approaching it from their end and showing you’re open to their opinions. 
  • Employees who don’t want to take part: Build an open communication culture through regular meetings and informal discussions, and don’t wait for your employee to leave before conducting the interview.
  • Over-emotional employees: Quitting a job can be hard and often makes you feel sad and sometimes angry. You can’t force an employee to take part but you can offer alternatives like a phone exit interview or an email questionnaire.
  • Private employees: Some employees won’t feel comfortable opening up about why they quit. Reassure them their interview is confidential and explain the reasons why it’s important. Stay friendly and don’t force them. 

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