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Sales Manager

Sales Managers lead and supervise rockstar sales teams. They help to goal-set and train, motivate and monitor sales teams to meet those goals. Use these sample interview questions to find the best person for the job.

High-performing candidates will have a big picture perspective, be process-driven, metrics-driven, organized and relentless. They’ll be highly experienced, will believe in the solution your company provides and have a thorough understanding of your product and customers. 

Top tip: Diversity is key for a thriving workplace. Keep an eye out for management and exec-level candidates from varying backgrounds and aim to eliminate bias from your hiring process.

Sales Manager interview questions

  • Walk us through your customers’ buying decision process.Where are the blocks? How do you close the sale?
  • What are the benefits of [this product]? Who are the customers?
  • Why do customers buy [this product]? Who’s the competition?
  • Have you ever mentored a coworker? Where were they then and where are they now?
  • Have you ever had to resolve a conflict between two team members? What happened?
  • When would you advise a sales rep to stop pursuing a prospect?
  • How would you deal with an underperforming sales rep?
  • Have you ever made a change that improved efficiency, costs or revenue?
  • What’s your experience forecasting or developing quotas?
  • Tell us about the sales process at your last company. What were the pros and cons?
  • How much experience do you have writing training manuals or other sales team reference docs?

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