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Training Coordinator

Training Coordinators help identify training needs, design curriculum, develop materials, conduct training programs and evaluate results.

Training Coordinator interview questions

Your zero-regret new hire will have awesome communication skills, industry knowledge and tons of experience. They’ll be patient, clear and methodical, and will ask smart, relevant questions.

Top tip: Hire candidates you can grow with by making sure their personal career goals align with your company's mission.

Problem solving interview questions

  • What drew you to apply for this role?
  • How do you keep up-to-date on employee training and development trends?
  • What have you done recently to improve your skills?
  • What’s the most challenging training scenario you’ve ever handled?
  • What are the top learning management systems you’ve worked with?
  • Describe your top employee training methods.
  • How would you start your training session?
  • How would you keep employees super engaged during a long training session?
  • How would you end a training session?
  • What evaluation experience do you have? 
  • How do you know when you’ve aced a training session?
  • Have you ever identified a training need that wasn’t being met? What did you do?
  • How would you respond to negative course feedback?
  • Describe a time you received awesome feedback on your training.

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